Bug Fixes + Thank You

Thank you all for giving this game a shot! We had a lot of fun learning Unity while working on it, and continue to enjoy learning what we could have done better from watching the playthrough videos you guys share. We appreciate all the feedback thus far, and will use it to make better games going forward :)

This update should resolve the majority of the bugs you guys found. We apologize for how long it took to get this update out; those of us who were interested in upkeeping the game past the class due date had to focus on finals, internship work, and etc. before going back and fixing this game up for you guys. Thank you for your patience.

Bug Fixes This Update:
- chase scene spawn room no longer auto locks on you 
 - dying during the chase scene no longer messes up the portals on either side of the main doors
 - player can no longer go backwards through the start door after completing a task
 - pause menu now works properly when the player is in the final phone task
 - chase scene spawn room and chase scene end door now have proper colliders 

We know that this game is still not perfect, and welcome any feedback you guys have. Please just be patient with us, as we must prioritize other school and internship work before working on fixing any bugs for our old schoolwork, as this game now is. 



May 15, 2021


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